Friday, 16 May 2014

Easy peasy lemonade!

Whenever the sun starts shining and summer finally begins to peek around the corner the first thing I always want is lemonade. Not that clear, sparkling stuff you buy in plastic bottles (although I do love that kind of lemonade too) but proper still, sweet, sour lemonade. As you can see I even have a special glass bottle for my homemade lemonade. Oh yeah, it's serious.

I found this recipe on the BBC Good Food website last year and I've used it a couple of times since, always with great results. It's so ridiculously easy, the hardest part is always digging the blender out from the back of the cupboard.

What you'll need:

140g caster sugar, 3 unwaxed lemons, 1l cold water, and a blender or food processor to mix it all up in.

You can, of course, use more lemons or sugar if you want it to be sweeter or more lemony.

First you'll need to chop off the ends of each lemon and discard those, then just roughly chop up the lemons, skins and all.

Dump the lemons, sugar, and half* of the water into your blender/food processor and blend until the lemons are finely chopped.

*As per usual I did not read the instructions properly and I actually put all of the water into the blender, which probably attributed to the leaking in the next gif. Don't make my mistakes, friends.

(I tried to make a fancy gif like Top With Cinnamon sometimes does but as you can see the second I took my hand off the lid of the blender the lemonade started to leak out from the top. Oops. Tip: do not let go of the blender lid while the blender is running. Especially if you put too much water in it.)

Now I don't actually have any pictures from the next step because it's just not that pretty of a step, but what you have to do after you've finished blending the lemonade is to pour it through a sieve into a large bowl or jug and press as much juice through the sieve as you can. Pour in the remaining water and serve chilled or over ice!

Ta da! Easy peasy lemonade!

Let me know if you try this recipe out and leave me a comment if you have any suggestions for recipes you'd like to see on the blog. 

Now that the weather is starting to get warmer I'm more inclined to actually make things so hopefully there'll be a few more recipes on the blog in the next few months, especially now that I've discovered Pinterest, which I am basically using as a recipe binder.

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