Tuesday 10 May 2016

Light leak.

I've started shooting with film again. Well, I shot one roll of film. Twice. It's a long story. 

This is my first ever light leak! I'm oddly proud of it but it doesn't go with the rest of the photos from this roll at all. So it can have its own little post for both of those reasons.



  1. I used to love when this happened to my photos too! I think natural 'blips' like this can make photos so beautiful! its what the art of photography is all about :) I'd love it if you'd comment back http://www.amyelizabethfashion.com/blogposts/2016/5/10/happy-coeliac-awareness-week xx

    1. Definitely! They're what makes shooting with film so much fun!

  2. I love the effect of light leak and the little surprises you get when shooting film. This reminds me, I've got a roll of film that's been waiting so long to be developed I barely remember what's on it, so I've got that to look forward to!

    Maria / Moore of this

    1. The surprises are definitely the best part of shooting film. Amazing as digital cameras are, you just don't get that with them. Although maybe that's not always a bad thing... haha

  3. I love how it stops in the same place the railing stops - makes it look deliberate, but it looks lovely anyway! I've never shot with film before, I'm still getting the hang on of my DSLR haha. :)

    Charlotte @ Bookmarks and Blogging

    1. Thank you! You should give film a try! Even when the photos come out terribly I tend to love them haha.

  4. always love a light leak, it looks great :)
